Instructions to Surrender ECHS Facility and get Medical Allowance - Kalviseithikal--கல்விசெய்தி

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Wednesday, November 22, 2023

Instructions to Surrender ECHS Facility and get Medical Allowance

Instructions to Surrender ECHS Facility and get Medical Allowance 

It has been seen that thousands and lakhs of ECHS beneficiaries are not happy with the help of ECHS. From the most recent 20 years, ECHS is required for every single Military Retired persons. However, it has been tracked down that in the wake of getting participation because of lacking help, dwelling in far flang regions and on different reasons numerous ESM are not intrigued to profit the ECHS benefit. In such case, they might give up the ECHS card following the process.
In the event that one isn't profiting any medical facility and give up endorsement gave by ECHS, he will be qualified for get medical allowance according to current rate forever. Presently in this article the detailed process of surrender of ECHS facilities is portrayed here.

Method for Exit from ECHS facilities by beneficiaries 

Strategy with respect to Quitting/exit from ECHS has been proclaimed by CO, ECHS. Presently, ESM who are leaving ECHS will be expected to present an application and an endeavor according to power letter.

The application alongside essential archives will be presented by essential recipient to the Parent Polyclinic, and this application will be sent to CO, ECHS through RC. CO, ECHS will give NOC in view of the application, and ECHS enrollment of the candidates and all wards will be denied by the RC concerned.

Reemergence of the Essential ECHS individuals and all wards into ECHS will be for all time denied. No solicitation will be considered for Quit/exit from ECHS with discount of commitment.

(Auth. CO, ECHS Letter B/49701-PR/AG/ECHS/2023 dated 22 May 23)

Data source E Pamphlet Aug 2023 gave by IHQ, MoD (Naval force)

Clinical Recompense Guarantee after give up of ECHS Advantage
Whenever you have given up your ECHS office, and an acquiescence testament is given by ECHS, you might apply for award of Clinical Recompense to PCDA(P), Prayagraj through SPARSH or in manual cycle.

Exclusion from ECHS Commitment.
Following pers are absolved from installment of ECHS commitment:-

(a) War widows, war handicapped retired people/BC and their wards.
(b) Pre 01 Jan 1996 Retirees.

Present pace of ECHS Commitment

(a) Rect to Havs and comparable in Naval force and AF Rs 30,000/ - General ward
(b) Nb Sub/Sub/Sub Maj or comparable in Naval force and AF (inclHonyNb Sub/MACP Nb Sub and Hony Lt/Capt) Rs 67,000/ - Semi Private ward
(c) All Officers Rs 120,000/ - Private ward

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